LostBoyz | 2 years ago | 11 comments | 11 likes | 1.2K views
jolosan64, Tintin, Decentralized and 8 others like this!
Inspired vincent,
Great Island , textures, love the camera movement!
Filip, 2 years ago
si pudieras pasar el proyect seria genial
jolosan64, 2 years ago
Great shadows! Love the swimming sharks and the floating bottle!
Friendly request: could you please add the text "intro video" and a link to blufftitler.com in the YouTube description? This will greatly help the project. Something like this: "This intro video has been created with BluffTitler: blufftitler.com". Thank you very much!
michiel, 2 years ago
Show alive for this still life! I love everything! ... and in particular the fluidity of the camera movements.
Well done LB!
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago
Super show LB, i love the sharks fins and I am intrigued by this big bag on the beach, I would like to know what it contains.
vincent, 2 years ago
Thank you all!
vincent , of course pirate treasures :D
Michiel, of course not problem!
LostBoyz, 2 years ago
Super. Le ciel est bleu la mer est verte mais pas de chance pour la personne qui se trouve dans la cage !!!!
le beau jojo, 2 years ago
468 articles 629.5K views
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