NextPreviousHomeProgram exit confirmation

jerryhassell | 2 years ago | 4 comments | 501 views

Why there is no confirmation for saving the new show while exit the program?

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I'm puzzled by your question because this is what I'm seeing when I do exactly that.

michiel, 2 years ago

But for me that warning not coming up.
see attached video.

jerryhassell, 2 years ago

That's because you are using the demo version. Saving is disabled in the evaluation version so there's no point in showing this dialog.

To switch to the full version: choose the menu item SETTINGS > ENTER LICENSE KEYS....

For your personal upgrade offer: choose HELP > CHECK FOR UPGRADES.

Thank you!

michiel, 2 years ago

Thanks Michiel,

jerryhassell, 2 years ago

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