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RRA | 14 years ago | 3 comments | 2.9K views


I'm tryging to recognize possibility to create DOF effect in Bluff Titler. Is it possible to automate process in terms of camera movement ? I have several objects in 3D space, placed on different location according to Z axis and would like to manage blur function proportionally to camera position and distance from object.

Any ideas ?

I know concept to render objects separetlly with alpha channel and blur FX managed on camera via keyframes (then start new project in NLE and compose rendered objects with blur alrady implemented) but this is workaround and in some cases (when one object overwrites position of other object) unusable.

I'm user of 7.6.5 version : maybe funcionality like this is present in the newest version ? Any development plan ?

To ilustrate function please see link on ArtBeats www :

and check tutorial :

Urbanicity: Environmental Impact.

Check timeline : in position 24:48 of tutorial you will see that instructor opens Camera Window and configure it.

Extreme powerfull option of AE :

- enable DOF
- focal lenght
- focus distance.

But my conclusion is : dooing scene like in this example in AE is a little bit artificial because it is not 3D environment ... in Bluff I could do it better. In terms of future 3D rendering (I have done some tests in BT) easy tools to manage DOF from camera FX is a pillar of success.

Best regards,

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I have forgotten to add that BLUR FX algorithm should be modified to use as a DOF function. If high value of blur is used (like 10) then blur effect become artificial and reveals patterns (I suppose blur divide object for small areas like 20x20pixels and then blend pixels inside ot "cells").

Best regards,


RRA, 14 years ago

I think it is possible to create an FX file that blurs a picture more or less depending on the distance to the camera.

But I assume you would like to apply the DOF effect to the whole scene. This is a bit more complex. Maybe in a future version. Thank you for your feature request!

michiel, 14 years ago

Thank You Michiel,

Yes. I'm thinking about DOF on whole scene and distinguishing between object according to Z position. Probably implemented as camera effect.

If you will consider this, please implement it as an effect not visible during preview - keyframes are inserted but rendering necessery to see progress.

Best regards,


RRA, 14 years ago

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