DJ C-LOSS | 2 years ago | 6 comments | 1 like | 552 views
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would anyone like to exchange bixpacks?
I use this link and then I exchange money for them, well, my wife does in her name. Technically she owns my blufftitler. I suppose if we ever get a divorce she gets half of my bluff. And that will be the worst day ever!
Hope this helps:
Decentralized, 2 years ago
Bonjour l'ami,
Depuis son existence, l'évolution fantastique de BluffTitler realisée par Michiel et son équipe est gratuite.
Aussi je mets un point d'honneur à apporter ma contribution à cette évolution par l'achat systématique des Bixpacks, qui de plus nous sont toujours proposés avec réduction non négligeable et dont les mises à jour sont également complètement gratuites.
Alors lorsque je propose des échanges de médiafiles incluant des éléments de Bixpack, je signale qu'il est nécessaire de les posséder ou d'acheter ce pack. Il en va de la survie de BluffTitler !
Merci de ta compréhesion.
Hello my friend,
Since its existence, the fantastic evolution of BluffTitler realized by Michiel and his team is free.
So I make it a point of honor to contribute to this development by systematically purchasing Bixpacks, which are always offered to us at a significant discount and whose updates are also completely free.
So when I offer media file exchanges that include Bixpack items, I'm pointing out that it's necessary to own them or buy this pack. The survival of BluffTitler depends on it!
Thank you for your understanding.
Alex-Raymond T., 2 years ago
Hey, I don't think that is an ethical thing to do. You're already getting FREE updates when they come out.
The Bluff team deserve to be paid for their work.
lightads, 2 years ago
Sorry DJ C-LOSS we don't share the Bix packs, as told by others. But we share sometimes our own created shows.
There is a lot sharing going on.
Sharing is learning.
Filip, 2 years ago
J'approuve les commentaires affichés en réponse , les BIXPACKS ne se partagent pas
PAT67, 2 years ago