NextPreviousHomeDoes anyone of you have experience with Apple IMac and Parallels for Blufftitler

erikger | 2 years ago | 2 comments | 455 views

I'm considering migrating from my PC to the new Apple Studio desktops.
All the software I use is also available in ls Mac version except for Blufftitler.

Is there any experience with the Parallels virtual machine, or should I install a Windows version.

@ Michiel: Are there considerations for a Mac version (if technically possible).
One could perhaps start a Kickstarter campaign here to raise the financing. Might also bring more attention to Blufftitler for Windows.

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It works.

Installed it on my Mac mini.

It is fast nd the exported videos are in real good quality

erikger, 2 years ago


michiel, 2 years ago

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