Kauzito | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 559 views
What effect will I apply to a Sketch Layer so that it emits light as shown in the picture?
Any other idea that you might have that produces the same results, feel free to help me.
I think applying the NotLightened_Additive effect to the sketch layer is what you are looking for.
Another way would be to apply the Camera\CameraBloom effect to the camera layer. This however gives everything a glow.
michiel, 3 years ago
I think Michiel's 2nd solution is the best one, using a colormap it's easy to work the effect on the object only.
See the .bt file at the following link:
Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago
Raymond je crois qu'il y a un souci avec l'extension du fichier : elle devrait être .BT et non .mp3. Ce n'est pas grave, il suffit de renommer le fichier en .BT
vincent, 3 years ago
Merci Vincent, j'ai corrigé. C'est tout simplement Drive qui interprète le fichier .bt comme fichier audio.
By the way, thank you LB, I took advantage of the idea of your sharing.
Alex-Raymond T., 3 years ago
Thank you LostBoyz!!
Kauzito, 3 years ago