NextPreviousHomeESC (accidentially) exits BT

henryklein | 14 years ago | 5 comments | 2.6K views

I just realized: when I wann stop a show with ESC and press is again BT quits. That can really hurt in a live situation. What about taking this feature out and letting ALT+F4 or whatever quit the program?

Sorry mates because these bunch of questions all the past days. I am always trying to get out the best of what is possible of every piece of equipment I use to own. FYI I am a musician for more than 30 years and a sound und light engineer for more than 20 years. I have deep knowledge in all the midi, dmx and audio soft- and hardware. so please dont blame me a fool. BT is an incredible software that makes me happy as it is, but gaining its functions can make it "The One" to give the audience of my 100 shows a year a really impressing show.

I you wanna have a beta tester for further releases I am willing to assist.

thanks a lot for being so patient.

yours, henry

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... and: since I have discovered, tested and bought BT I already spent about 50 hours of using it.


henryklein, 14 years ago

ESC is a common, if not universally accepted way of exiting nearly all applications. It shouldn't be changed and I've never heard of anyone else having this problem - maybe because it was just that - an accident.

DigitalMagic, 14 years ago

you made my day, DigitalMagic: I use to own computers since 1985, on stage, in the studio and for gaming at home. I've studied to program early z80 machines by machine language at university. but quitting by hitting ESC without asking the user if he wants to can only be a brain accident of the programmer.

(sorry BT crew, you made a cool piece of software, but that exiting is shitty)

imagine making a live show with presetted moves and the operater hits ESC once accidently instead of F1 and away we go.

and @DigitalMagic again: please make me a liar and show me those common way to end a software.

sorry mates, I am angry. (damaged my knee during a show on Saturday ACCIDENTLY ;)



henryklein, 14 years ago

Henry... glad I could amuse you.

Truth be told, my response here in the first place can really only be described as an ACCIDENT. After today, it will never happen again. Promise.

I've read your numerous other posts and apparently there isn't much you haven't been or done, so I will leave it to others far more qualified (and inclined) to show you those common ways to "end a software."

In the meantime I'll go back to programming (assembly included), building high-end computer systems, and running my digital media company. Somehow I've managed to muddle through since 1990 without hitting the ESC key - which is all of about a half inch from F1.

This Gallery is for community sharing of ideas and techniques, not our personal diatribe. Feel free to respond if you must, but I believe more than enough has been said so I won't be continuing this any further.

Best of luck to you.

DigitalMagic, 14 years ago

hey DigitalMagic, everything's fine here. these are the days a fly at the wall will bring you to the final nervous breakdown ;) we dont have to compare our skills, the only thing is to discuss in a kindly way. so sorry mate.

yours, Henry

henryklein, 14 years ago

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