NextPreviousHomeActive layer forward or backward

Jos12 | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 600 views


I have Bluff Title 15 (vers Ultimate.
To my opinion moving the active layer forward or backward (pul down menu "Layers") does not work.
For example (but I have tried also others) in space Bix pack 20 / show Space BixPack20\ I tried to bring the tetx in front of the magna.
I made the text active and then choosed "bring active layer forward" from the pull down menu and did that several times. Without any result.

Then I tried the other way around and made the Magna active layer and choose "bring active layer backwards" Nothing hapened.
I tried it with several other shows, but the pull down layers menu function; bring active layer forward , or bring backward seems to simply not work.

It this a bug or do I do something wrong?

OS Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit

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I think this answers your question:

michiel, 3 years ago

So if you want to render your text in front of everything: make it smaller and position it closer to the camera.

michiel, 3 years ago

Sorry Michel, but this does not solve my question.

I can do what I want but the text stays behind the magna.
Even if I add a new text layer, after making the last layer active, the new text is placed behind the planet and it is impossible to bring it forward.

You cannot place any text I front with the preset shows!

Jos12, 3 years ago

The 3 text layers in this template are attached to the same container layer: layer 30.

So all you have to do, is to make this container layer a bit smaller (with its SIZE prop) and move it a bit closer to the camera (with its POSITION prop).

michiel, 3 years ago

I see what you mean, but then the bring layer forward or backward, has no function / does not work.

For example: If I ad a new textlayer , no matter what layer is active, the New layer always comes all in the back.

I does not come on top of all existing layer: it does not become layer 33, if the have 32 layers.
Bringing it forward to become layer 33 the bring layer forward does not work.

So, what is the function of Bring layer forward / bring layer backward

Jos12, 3 years ago

You are right, it has limited use in a 3D app.

My 1st comment to this article describes 2 cases where it can be useful:

michiel, 3 years ago

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