NextPreviousHomeAlternative Video layer versus Picture layer

davit | 3 years ago | 2 comments | 531 views

I realized that videos play in the picture layer as well. Is there any difference in putting a video in picture layer over the video layer? What is the advantage and disadvantage? If videos behave the same in the picture layer, is it possible to use the current video layer for other video rules apart from "videos always start playing from the beginning of the show" rule? This might, for example, enable us to use this layer in dynamic xml and loop shows? It is just a suggestion. This will make repetitive tasks much easier if adding this feature is not too much work.
Thank you!
Happy Monday

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I think there is no difference except the source folder.

vincent, 3 years ago

Vincent is right, the only difference is the source folder. In fact, any layer type that can use a texture can use a video, including the text layer and the model layer. Simply choose MEDIA > CHANGE TEXTURE and select a video in one of the texture slots.

michiel, 3 years ago

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