ece3k | 14 years ago | 9 comments | 3.1K views
I have a scroller layer with some text in it. I want to make the text transparent as it gets closer to the camera. Is there a way to make text start being transarent at a certain point along the X axis until it disappears altogether?
I think I can make an FX file for that. Which properties would you like to have?
michiel, 14 years ago
I would like to be able to have it be able to fade transparency coming in from the edges in any if I want the text to fade out at a certain point on the screen, I can say fade in over X number of pixels from the left it disappears.
While you are at it, doing the same with a blur would be nice also. So if I wanted to blur the left 1/3 of the screen so that text in front of it is more readable......
Another useful item would be being able to fade in a solid color instead of just a if I had a text or video layer, I could softly fade half of it to black or something like that.
Does that make sense?
ece3k, 14 years ago
Had a follow up thought.....we need one control to determine how much feathering the fade has, and another to determine which axis it is going from (x, y, or Z.)
ece3k, 14 years ago
I totally understand. I was asking for the descriptions of the properties you would like to have. The current TRANSPARENCY property adjusts the transparency of the whole scroller. Which properties would you like to add and what should they do?
michiel, 14 years ago
I think a "Feather" description would adjust the amount, or thickness, of the Edge Fade, and X Axis Fade, Y Axis Fade, Z axis fade could select the amount from that axis or edge to control. I would want the edge fade to be able to be applied on either the left or right or both edges that a text layer might fade in and out on each side.
Can we stack fx? If so, you could make a "Side ! Axis Fade" FX and a separate "Side 2 Axis Fade" FX and apply both if you need to fade both sides of a layer.
If you cannot load multiple effects on one layer, I suppose one could put the layer in a container and apply an fx to the layer, and the other to a container.
If that wont work, then maybe it is better to include a control for which edge is getting affected. Radio buttons would work best, but sliders for Edge1 and Edge2 that have just a zero for off and 1 for on could work to turn on and off the edges that you want.
ece3k, 14 years ago
I have attached a Gradient Feather FX to this article. Click on the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES link to download it.
michiel, 14 years ago
It does not seem that we can stack more than one fx per layer. It would be nice if we could fx on a container layer so that we could get around this limitation. Can you do that?
ece3k, 14 years ago
BTW....gradient fx is very useful. Thank you very much.
ece3k, 14 years ago