NextPreviousHomeCan't save shows

Ger | 3 years ago | 5 comments | 665 views

Can anyone help me i have installed Blufftitler on my new computer but something strange is happening. I can't save a show anymore. Saving just doesn't respond. I already switched the language of my keyboard but that had no effect. Does anyone have an idea what I'm missing or doing wrong?

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Maybe your computer rebuild models, eps ...preview thumbnails. sometimes it takes time the first time if you have a thousand files....Is it faster when you select Save pressing SHIFT key at the same time?

vincent, 3 years ago

Vincent when i do that i get the message: "You do not have the correct permissions to save files in this location. Please contact the administrator to get the correct permission."
When I run the program as administrator it works. Did I do something wrong while installing?

Ger, 3 years ago

So, it's a problem of access rights, can be due to the folder rights or user rights. In which folder have you placed the shows folder ? I suggest you place the shows folder in 'My Documents' which is a shared folder and accessible to all users regardless of their rights.

vincent, 3 years ago

The Documents folder is the default save location. This is according to the Windows guidelines and should be accessible without admin rights.

Click on the RESET ALL button in the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog to reset all folder locations.

michiel, 3 years ago

Thanks for your help. I changed the folder and now it works. Thanks again

Ger, 3 years ago

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