terrypin | 3 years ago | 6 comments | 565 views
I made the show in my screenshot years ago (adapted it after copy/paste from help or a download here). But I'm darned if I can remember how! Surely I didn't have to add 165 individual picture layers?
(Are images meant to be included using links? I see no 'Image' tool, only one for video.)
Thanks Vincent, appreciate the fast response.
I chose the last picture layer and did as you instructed. In texture slot #1 I see this:
What is the significance of that part AFTER the folder path please?
For my chosen new folder, do have to add a specific file and a number in square brackets?
terrypin, 3 years ago
Terrypin, i'm sorry but I don't remember how this syntax works but i'm sure that michiel (or other) will give you a response. I think it's an index of pic associated to the DIR: command used for diaporama.
vincent, 3 years ago
Placing "dir:" in front of the URL makes your show loop until all pictures in the folder have been rendered, one per loop.
By placing an index behind your URL, for example "[52]", the show no longer loops and only renders file number 52 in the folder.
michiel, 3 years ago
Thanks both, got it. I'd forgotten all about the neat Slideshow tool!
terrypin, 3 years ago