ece3k | 15 years ago | 1 comment | 2.7K views
If I open an example show and see a "+" next to the layer name (in the drop down), how can I tell which effect has been loaded onto that layer??? Is there a way to know other than looking at the possible adjustments that can be made and then guessing??
A + sign in the layers dropdown means that that layer is being animated: one or more properties of that layer are being animated.
To find out which properties are being animated, select that layer and take a look at the properties dropdown. A + sign next to the property name means that that property is being animated.
Or maybe with "effects" you mean an FX files? In that case press F9 (or choose MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT...) to find out which effect has been loaded into that layer.
michiel, 15 years ago