ZHAOXING HU | 3 years ago | 4 comments | 881 views
I use the BT15 version to create a hexagon, and use the glass material effect v11-DPACK_ReflectionMap.cfx. Why doesn’t it work? I used the BT11 version before, and I canuse this special effect to make the whole hexagon transparent and beautiful. Please teach me how to use it, thank you……2483349075@qq.com
Please try to avoid the old V11 effects in new projects.
Here's a better way to create glass:
michiel, 3 years ago
There are different ways to create glass in BluffTitler.
A cube layer reflects the surrounding environment.
But you can create it also with Reflectionmap_Additive.cfx, alway use it with an black reflective texture.
Filip, 3 years ago
因为这些特效,是BT15软件打开后,就有的,如果不使用玻璃材料效果 v11-DPACK_ReflectionMap.cfx 那要使用哪一个特效?其它特效,我还没有发现什么问题。请老师指导,谢谢
ZHAOXING HU, 3 years ago
The replacement effect is:
But try to use cubemaps. Cubemaps offer you perfect reflections. This show uses:
michiel, 3 years ago