maciroch | 15 years ago | 3 comments | 2.7K views
I have a photo that I would like to have zoom in from a small picture while rotating, then stop. How do I go about doing this?
I think it's something like this. Right?
I leave the link below where you can download the show
maitegras, 15 years ago
Wow, that is great!
But what I was looking for was more along the lines of this: blank screen with one small image in the center. The image spins and grows until it is centered in the screen, then stops. I wish I had a video from somewhere that would show it, but right now it is just in my head. Sorry!
maciroch, 15 years ago
sounds like the old newspaper headline effect where a newpaper spins real fast, zooms in, and then stops suddenly to reveal the headline.
all you need to do is keyframe the rotation of the photo. There are any number of ways to do the zoom. You can have the camera movie in, change the arm length, zoom the photo itself, lots of ways.
when you keyframe the rotation just remember that the sliders only goes to 360 but you can manually enter any number you want.
kf_daddy, 15 years ago