napoleon | 4 years ago | 5 comments | 583 views
I usually have a distorted edges of logos when imported png format into blufftitler. Any solution Please?
Again, Blufftitler Version 15.1 has a lot of improvements. For instance, it takes in HD video. However, the export time becomes annoyingly longer. Is there anything I can do to improve the export time?
BluffTitler has been designed for short videos. When you want to overlay your titles/bumpers/lower thirds on a longer video do not use the video layer, but instead, export with transparency (mark the INCLUDE ALPHA CHANNEL checkbox in the FILE > Export as video... dialog) and do the mixing in your video editor.
michiel, 4 years ago
Oh, and please try to ask 1 question per article. This prevents confusion and unanswered questions.
michiel, 4 years ago
Thanks Michiel,
check out the attached graphic. The black shape at the bottom is circle in the original logo.
napoleon, 4 years ago
Napoleon, I can't see the attached graphic. Where can I find it?
Click on the "Update my own article" link at the top of this page to attach a ZIP file.
Alternatively, provide a high resolution picture in the same dialog.
michiel, 4 years ago