GaspareNet | 4 years ago | 14 comments | 1 like | 717 views
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Hi Michiel
I propose to create an area of the site where BT's more experienced users provide advice to less experienced users for a fee.
Are there any users in this community who could do small paid jobs?
At the bottom of every article your can find contact information. This way you can contact your favorite designer.
Edit your own contact info here:
BUT, please try to post your questions online in this community. This way other users can learn from them as well!
michiel, 4 years ago
FWIW From my own personal experience I have learnt most about the program by using the shows that come with the program along with downloading shows that members have generously uploaded. I can then see the techniques that have been used to make a particular show and I can learn greatly by it.
Pioneer, 4 years ago
More experienced users have no contacts entered.
Providing paid services could be an answer for everyone
I made a show with many texts read from an xml file with the data of a football player. I have to animate some images and all the texts. In BT there are so many effects that you can use. I would like someone more experienced than me to choose which effects to apply
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Gasparenet I'm not sure...I'm experienced but that's no qualification that proves my understanding of BT. But I like this community as is. A great bunch of enthousiastic users that want freely share their work and insights (sometimes if asked). Not everything is about money.
I see this community as a family: ...we share, we help and sometimes we quarrel but we all love BluffTitler. Wow this is cheesy, I myself getting tears in my eyes.
Filip, 4 years ago
Filip this is a big and beautiful comunity!
But there are no frelancers who offer their BT experience, I think this service could also be given on some other site. In my opinion it would be an advantage for everyone. and also for BT
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Your page has a lot of elements. Animating them all into view, one by one, will take too much time and distract from the info. I think I would use a nice stinger to reveal the page as a whole.
michiel, 4 years ago
Hi Michiel, I would like to make 5 animations as seen in the image. In total there are about 120 layers of text and background images, 16 container
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Placing the 120 layers in 5 containers can help automating things. After doing that you can easily animate the TRANSPARENCY, SIZE and/or POSITION props of the containers.
It will take at least a minute to read all the info presented. I think I will add a subtle background animation (plasma layer?) or a video of the player to make it less static once everything has animated into view.
michiel, 4 years ago
Yes, there's too much data, viewers will have trouble processing all this info. Maybe better to spread it over at least 3 different pages. For example like this:
Page 1: blocks 1, 2, 3
Page 2: blocks 1, 2, 4
Page 3: blocks 1, 2, 5
michiel, 4 years ago
In my opinion, the ideal duration of the show is 30-40 seconds.
Useful links
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Your 40 second MP4 renders the data of 10 players: 4 seconds per player. No human is going to read all that. I really advise you to split your show into smaller ones with less data. For every player start with an intro only showing his photo + name. After that you can zoom out and add more detailed info in a few more slides. This make it more entertaining to watch and gives the viewers time to read and process all the data.
michiel, 4 years ago
now the show is 4 seconds because there are no animations, I would like to do a 40 second show for each player so I can read all the data.
As a background I want that image, a plasma is not suitable.
What effects do you recommend applying?
GaspareNet, 4 years ago
Maybe you don't need an effect and keyframing the POSITION, SIZE and TRANSPARENCY props is enough.
michiel, 4 years ago
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