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RRA | 15 years ago | 11 comments | 3.7K views


Does anybody try to simulate stereoscopic setup in Bluff Titler ?

I'm going to render two movies (first simulates left camera eye and second for right eye) and then I will render it in NLE to build stereoscopic effect.

How to calculate and configure difference between left and right camera position (and angle) ?

Best regards,


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Good luck with that! I played around once trying a simple red/blue effect by rendering a simple scene then shifting the camera a bit left of the original position and rendering again. The problem I encountered was my lack of knowledge on how to best combine the two images together to create the effect in the end. I tried making one animation semi-transparent and placed it over the other using layers in my NLE. It didn't work as well as I hoped.

I had tried to convince Michiel to make that a feature in BluffTitler, but he said it gave him headaches. The last thing I want is that genius to stop creating all this magic because of health problems!!! ;-)


amiga, 15 years ago

The lenses would need to be the same distance apart as human eyes are. Roughly 2-1/2". I don't think there are any camcorders available to the consumer that would let you get two of them that close. Then you would have to shoot the videos at the same time so you could sync them up.

Then the issue of merging the 2 videos comes up. There are tutorials available, you just need to google for them.

Making stereo still photos is a lot easier. If you don't have a stereo camera (my father had one back in the 1950's) there are fixtures you can buy that let you slide the camera back and forth to simulate the right and left eye positions. That requires that the subject or scenery doesn't change from one picture to the next.

My advice, save yourself the aggravation :-)

kf_daddy, 15 years ago


Thanks of comment. I'm conducting marketing and I'm looking for some new tools which are not very time consiming in comparision to 2D.

I have found that idea : to prepare 2D mixed with 3D.

Output is on 120 Hz monitor and shutter glasses.

In NLE I'm going to use normal 2D videos which are played with 120 fps - It means that they will be played for both eyes and visible as 2D without glasses. This is the backgroud.

But in foreground I would like to have Bluff Titler object rendered properly as a two files (Leye + Reye, both in 60 fps)in order to achieve compatibility with 120 Hz. In NLE I will shift Reye one frame forward. If I'm right it will be enough to achieve stereoscopic for active projection.

But I can't find in Google rule how to calculate distance and angle in Bluff ! Bluff has his own scale and parameters to set up camera positions (I don't know equivalent of Bluff scale in inches). Could somebody help ?

I'm not going to use complex scene (with zooming, panning or DOF). I just want to keep my object in the same distance form "zero positon" - of course it will be different for specyfic objects and that is the reason way I'm looking "3D camera position calculator for Bluff Titler".

Best regards,

RRA, 15 years ago

Seems to me it wouldn't take too long to experiment with various distances until you hone in on the right one.

JimH, 15 years ago

It's true what Amiga said: I once did some experimenting, but the only result was a headache... I have attached the FX file I was playing with to this article. It's not much use, but maybe you will find it interesting to have a look at it. It even features an EYE DISTANCE property!

Last week I saw Alice In Wonderland 3D and that also gave me a headache. Until I found out that I had to keep my head straight up. After that I really enjoyed the effect and wondered if the same glasses would also work with an ordinary computer screen. Unfortunately I had to give the 3D glasses back at the end of the movie, so I could not do any experimenting...

I recently saw a 3D TV screen at a computer show that was supposed to work without special glasses. They were right: I did not need special glasses to get sick with that one :)

michiel, 15 years ago

Hi Michiel,

I have ordered set of glasses (all kind of anaglyph, shutter and polarized) and I'm going to start tests.

From marketing point of view, 3D is very interesting but there are some obstacles. The most important are glasses : I can provide stuff for internal telebim (in some shopping center for example) but it's difficult to push peoples to use glasses. Even glasses are free and use some advertisment it's still issue to overcome viewer indifference and to convince customer to spend additional money for hundreds of glasses.

Another issue is that if you prepare 3D promo it will be totally out of focus for audience without glasses (and not very fantastic form estetic point of view).

You are right : there are new solutions like autostereoscopic monitors but still very expensive and not very convincing in terms of 3D (usually it is technology connected with microlens layer in front of screen and picture shifting : link).

I suppose that in digital signage there is no way to avoid of 3D. Question is : how to copy with that today ? with relatively small budget ? If You plan to use telebim in lobby, You can use monitor with glasses. But for mass viewers it's tricky.

I suppose that compromise solutions is to mix in NLE 2D video content with 3D elements as 3D logo from Bluff Titler.

Thank You for effect - I will check it ! For me is important to prepare 3D workflow in Titler and it seems to be easier than 3D movie setup (I have seen for example 3D solutions from Sony, extremely expensive, double camera with synchronized shutter, special rig to control zoom & eye distance & comprehension, then hardware merger and switcher, then special 3D NLE techniques or plugins - it's to much for me). I have to preserve 2D video content and build 3D in Bluff.

Best regards,

RRA, 15 years ago

Thank you for the link. Please let me know the results of your experiments.

I think I'm going to see Alice for a second time this weekend to analyse the effect!

michiel, 15 years ago

Hi Michiel,

I have tested anaglyph with 100fps. After tests I have chosen workflow like below :

1) I have rendered two files in Bluff Titler:

- first as a LEFT EYE when camera position was "X-1" and camera rotation was "X+1"
- second as RIGHT EYE when camera positon was "X+1" and camera roation was "X-1"

... for both files container position was "Z+220" and camera arm "0" and camera Z position "0".

2) I have imported files to VEGAS as track 1 and track 2 and use track motion to adjust X relative position (just to achieve perfect convergence of most important object in project)

3) I have used Bororo plugin to create anaglyph

4) I have added background as an image with applied STEREOSCOPIC effect from Bluff (not necessery it is possible to do this same in Vegas also).

5) I have rendered to wmv.

Effect is very nice because - as I have expected - it is possible to eliminate to very decent extent convergecy error on very close objects (usually if you see aganglyphs, what is in the mieddle of depth is ok, but objects very close to the screen surface are distracted as a red/cyan halo). I have achieved BLUR EFFECT ! It is very similar to reality and I'm sure that effect with interlacing left / right eye with shutter glass (without red / cyan anaglyph) will be excellent.

If you want, I can send you result file, but it is large (18M) wmv and you have to give me email contact.

One remark : Bluff stereoscopic effect gives me strange output if is used on text...

Best regards,

RRA, 15 years ago


Why don't you upload your video to YouTube and place a link to it in this gallery?

michiel, 15 years ago

Hi Michiel,

I can't do this : I'm using company resources (comp & internet connection) and can't place content on YouTuBe, Vimeo etc. Furthermore, I have produced clip with company logo as a 3D element ... not suitable to the gallery. I can only send You email and movie can't be shared. But the clue is to test setup : I mean camera position and distance from object to camera. Maybe somebody is able to achieve better results with different parameters. I'm not very familiar with mat & phisics so my tests were "recognize by fighting". I'm sure that there is some formula to calculate setup... and Bluff as a CGI is for sure relevant tool to generate 3D. Making movie in 3D is still to difficult for me (and see prices of cameras like 30 000$) but in Bluff content we don't have to bohter with all this problems.

Best regards,


RRA, 15 years ago

Isn't it possible to create a public version by replacing your company logo with an imaginary one (you can use a picture of our mascot Bix if you want)

The idea of this gallery is to share ideas and let users help each other.

michiel, 15 years ago

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