songweaver | 15 years ago | 1 comment | 3.2K views
I asked this question awhile back and had to finish the project before I got the answer. I put the email aside and can't find it.
How do I get the text background transparent in an .SWF file? I can't get the black background to go transparent in BT and so it comes out with the balck on the conversion as well.
I think I recall something aqbout adding a picture layer or a video layer, but I can't get that to work either. Perhaps I'm not doing something right. Please instruct step by step.
Thabnks again
You can export the animation with transparency info by choosing FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE... and selecting the UNCOMPRESSED AVI WITH TRANSPARENCY radio button.
You can easily check the transparency info by loading the exported video back into BT by choosing LAYER > ADD LAYER > ADD VIDEO LAYER...
Another way to check the alpha channel is this:
michiel, 15 years ago