pikachu | 4 years ago | 6 comments | 700 views

Come posso fare per fare per fare entrare una scritta, farla uscire, entrarne un altra farla uscire cosi per alcune volte.
ringrazio find'ora chi mi può aiutare. Giovanni.

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The trick is to use a few layers and only make 1 visible at the same time.

This show from the installer makes the other layers invisible by setting their VISIBILITY property to 1:

But there are many other ways. For example by placing them at an invisible position with the TEXT POSITION property.

michiel, 4 years ago

ho inserito dove dovrei inserire scritte diverse per ogni foto

pikachu, 4 years ago

Every photo needs its own picture layer.

And if every photo has it own text, every photo needs its own text layer as well.

michiel, 4 years ago

When you know a bit of coding it is possible to automate things. Take a look at this installer show:

The documentation can be found here:


michiel, 4 years ago

E' purtroppo non sono ancora a questi livelli, provo a leggerlo. grazie comunque.

pikachu, 4 years ago

Ciao Giovanni, se ti serve una mano sono qui anche io.

Franco Aversa, 4 years ago

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