Noel Brett | 4 years ago | 4 comments | 615 views
I have been using B T on a Windows 7 PC for years. I have purchased a new laptop running Windows 10 64 bit. The latest version of B T app works on this laptop . However, when I go to "Open Shows", it lists them by word only without thumbnails. There is an B T icon next to the word listing but there is no thumbnail showing the content. This makes it difficult to locate the required new show to load.
I have re-loaded the app. and still the same.
I have also done thorough checks of the OS to see if thumbnails are turned OFF but they are turned ON.
Is there a fix for this to show the thumbnail?
Check your explorer "views" folder options. Like Win7 you could choose to list files as "Details" which would give you just the names, date, size . . . etc.
The Icon has changed to a BIX icon. (i prefer the older icon)
lightads, 4 years ago
Unmark the USE STANDARD WINDOWS FILE DIALOG checkbox in the SETTINGS > Options... dialog:
michiel, 4 years ago
Thanks Michiel,
This solved the problem and thumbnails now appear.
Noel Brett, 4 years ago
I had the same problem, great solution, THANKS
ganguy, 4 years ago