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Dani | 4 years ago | 10 comments | 10 likes | 1.4K views

komies, Ulli, ID Production and 7 others like this!

This is my language " Telugu" ...i am very Happy B.T speaks my language..
side sub titles ( TELUGU) in English
1. National news 2.metro news 3.Regional news 4. World news 5. Film News
6. Viral News.
As the same in Scrolling ..

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And you speak ours, Dani

komies, 4 years ago

Hahaha Alex..Thank you..

Dani, 4 years ago

Et voilà une langue dont j'ai jamais entendu parler ,vaste monde et belle intro Dani.
Moi je parle l'alsacien ' ich bin e elsässer ' c'est une toute petite région et BT forcément ne la connait pas.

PAT67, 4 years ago

Muy bueno el show, todas las lenguas hay que conservarlas

persiana, 4 years ago

Wow, looks very complicated...but beautiful characters.

Filip, 4 years ago

Nice Dani ! Patrick tu n'as plus qu'à créer le fichier Alsacien.txt et à le placer dans le dossier ...\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler14\Media\Locales\ puis le configurer dans BT par ..Settings\Options\language (browse) ?

vincent, 4 years ago

Bonne idée Vincent , je vais commencer par remplacer les XXX français par les XXX alsaco ??

PAT67, 4 years ago

Great !

Franco Aversa, 4 years ago

గొప్ప ప్రదర్శన, డానీ (I hope, this is correct in your language?).
In english: great show, Dani.

Ulli, 4 years ago

Thank you dear friends...
Ulli ..yes ...perfect in my language..good ..thank you.

Dani, 4 years ago

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Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
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