lucato | 5 years ago | 9 comments | 894 views
Not sure if I'm missing something, but now a days, at least here for me and my version, when I check [x] ALL KEYS, and hit RESET it doesn't reset all keys in the selected property. So, as a suggestion when you click RESET and ALL KEYS is checked it should reset all keys.
I wonder why nobody else has ever suggested this. Yes, this makes sense. Thank you for the request!
michiel, 5 years ago
kkk, maybe nobody else had noticed it, or time to contribute to improve the BT or also is resetting one by one as a workaround. lol.
You are welcome. Thank you, for such amazing software.
lucato, 5 years ago
It is not that anyone has noticed, it is that we arranged with everything that Michiel has made available to us. I think it is very easy to say what is missing .... much more difficult to program the software.
For example, there is no possibility to zoom in on the timeline to see the keyframes in detail.
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
"It is not that anyone has noticed, it is that we arranged with everything that Michiel has made available to us."
> That is why I said 'Maybe..' and also people doing a 'workaround', in other words, arranged with what Michiel has made available to us as you said. ;0)
"I think it is very easy to say what is missing .... much more difficult to program the software"
> I agree 100%, and at any moment I meant the contrary.
"For example, there is no possibility to zoom in on the timeline to see the keyframes in detail."
>yup, I missed that yesterday too, when a bunch of keys were too close and I'd like to adjust them, but wasn't possible to do the way I wanted. I tried CTRL + and CTRL - to try to zoom in/out kkkk, maybe there was some hidden feature without commands in menu. Lol.
lucato, 5 years ago
And Why Would You use the RESET ALL KEYS!
That would kill the whole of the show and you are left with incohesive parts.
komies, 5 years ago
It is RESET ALL KIES for the selected property only as posted on the 1st post, so it would back the values to the original states only the 'Color+' selected for example. I can't remember right now which situation I needed the RESET ALL KEYS to tell you, but yesterday while creating an animation I needed it several times.
lucato, 5 years ago
The default for Colour is 255, 255, 255 meaning WHITE.
And with "All Layers marked" you can do this to all Colour Properties at once.
You can set this with the first sliders while holding CTRL.
komies, 5 years ago
I see, it was just an example to show the use, once as I said, I didn't remember what were my needs in that moment for using reset, but thanks for the extra tips anyway with the link. I appreciated that.
lucato, 5 years ago