NextPreviousHomeVideos exports issues

Apolinaire | 5 years ago | 9 comments | 785 views


When I export a BT show, encoding doesn't go until the end of the show. It stops about one second before the end. In AVI and in MP4 encodings. The results (file.avi or file.mp4) are written on my hard disc and VLC can read them. But even in VLC, the cursor stops about one second before the end.
For a 5s show, MediaInfo tells me that the duration is 4.378 or 4.972 or something else but never 5s !
When I try to import these videos in DaVinci Resolve, sometime it works and sometime Resolve doesn't even see them in his explorer (or doesn't want to see them...)
Is this issue known ?

Hereafter is my working environment :
- Windows 10 Pro 64 bits
- 16 Go RAM
- Intel I7-3820 processor
- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
- BluffTitler Pro
- Options in BluffTitler Drivers :
* MP4 and MOV : LAV Audio Decoder
* MP4 and MOV : LAV Video Decoder
* MP4 encoder profile : H.264 High and external encoder : ffmpeg.exe

Thanks for your help.

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Maybe marking the INCLUDE LAST FRAME checkbox in the FILE > EXPORT AS VIDEO... dialog solves the issue.

michiel, 5 years ago

Davinci resolve not aceppt avi files. My advice for best quality is to convert uncopressed avi export from BT to mpg2 h264 in other app as adobe premiere

ID Production, 5 years ago


Thank you ID Production fot the info.

@michiel : I tried INCLUDE LAST FRAME but the result is the same, with or without.
I join a screen shot of the end of BluffTitler encoding.

Apolinaire, 5 years ago

Reading this video with VLC.

Apolinaire, 5 years ago

The final place of the USB key in BluffTitler.

Apolinaire, 5 years ago

Maybe the FPS is the problem.

I would try a more common 25 or 30 FPS.

michiel, 5 years ago

On our side look good when we exported mp4. Encoding cursor is stopped before the end but the export file is with the proper length. We attached our results. We suggest trying to reinstall the mp4 encoder on your PC. Try

ID Production, 5 years ago

@michiel : weldone ! I tried with 25 fps and 30 fps and it works.
Thank you very much for your help.

Apolinaire, 5 years ago


michiel, 5 years ago

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