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booragal | 5 years ago | 6 comments | 935 views

I am trying to follow the instructions for wavingflaglayer, but stuck at locate show at BluffTitler/Media/Shows/Wavingflag folder. I don't have them.
Is there a way I can download these files?
I am using Bluff Titler 10.2.
Thank you,

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Try to reinstall BlufftitlerMaybe that can help ?

chaver, 5 years ago

Your version of BluffTitler is obsolete, so maybe this folder doesn't exist in this version.

vincent, 5 years ago

Hi Chaver,
Thanks for getting back to me.
Tried reinstalling Blufftitler, but still no luck.

booragal, 5 years ago

The waving flag layer has been introduced in version 13:

For your personal upgrade offer, start BluffTitler and choose HELP > Check for upgrades.

Alternatively you can visit this page:

Thank you!

michiel, 5 years ago

Booragal thank you for this post. By studying the changes from version 10 to version 14 I learned new things about changes I was not fully conscious of.

And you are missing so much fun possibilities.

Solution: Upgrade!

Filip, 5 years ago

Hi Michiel and Filip,
I've taken the plunge and upgraded.
Thanks!! ?

booragal, 5 years ago

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