stcyhood | 5 years ago | 10 comments | 1.1K views
I have been hired to work for a director in creating a logo for a full feature film and do some editing in my sony vegas software. I am wanting to use BT for a 3D transparent layover but not sure it will render to theater quality for the logo. I noticed that you can export video in a custom format but not sure if it will work for cinema. My final project will need to go to what is called a DCP (Digital Cinema Package). I will be working with RAW video and a 'colorist' will be hired for final editing. Am I able to render in 3840x2160? And will that work or do I need to think about letting someone else do this project? I don't want to let the director down and tell her I can do something that I can't. Thanks in advance for any help.
Oh, and in order to submit it to the DCP (Digital Cinema Package), I will be running it through a virtual Linux straight to the DCP. Don't know if that matters or not but just thought I'd add to it.
stcyhood, 5 years ago
Under settings select High Quality
Under File Export as video select Uncompressed avi and mark the Alpha Channel.
On the end product use the software in the link to make it into a DCP format for free.
komies, 5 years ago
When you say RAW video do you mean HVEC 4K footage? You'll need a power horse machine to do that.
lightads, 5 years ago
Choose the menu item FILE > Set show resolution... and select the preset UHD 4K. This sets the resolution to 3840 x 2160.
And, as komies said, choose the menu item SETTINGS > High quality for higher quality rendering.
"RAW" is a confusing term. If they mean uncompressed, export as uncompressed AVI. This gives you a huge file, but the image quality is much better than MP4.
michiel, 5 years ago
When exporting in 4K you need all the video memory you can get. When exporting in this resolution, to save precious video memory, make sure to close all other apps. It also helps making the preview window of BluffTitler a bit smaller.
You also need all the diskspace you can get. Best is to export to a separate harddisk dedicated to rendering videos.
In the SETTINGS > Options... dialog you can find a TEMP FOLDER option. Best is to point this to this harddisk as well. This prevents out of diskspace errors and also increases the lifetime of your C: (system) drive.
michiel, 5 years ago
Thank you so much for all this great information! My computer is a brand new desktop with Windows 10, Processor is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU@320 GHz, Installed RAM is 16.0 GB (15.9 usable), System Type is 64-bit OS, x64-based processor. Hard drive is 1.81 TB. My graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080, I also have cloud storage of 2TB. I also plan to backup to another hard drive to be safe. According to the camera guy RAW video is not colored yet (almost black and white with shades) and will need to hire a colorist if the director decides to let him use RAW. I have never worked with this type of video file.
stcyhood, 5 years ago
the only thing I want to add is that Vegas is now from Magix, at least if you don't use an old version .....
Franco Aversa, 5 years ago
Franco, yes it's important to use a recent version of Vegas. The previous version I had could not export in 4K. I now use version 16. And Magix just released version 17.
Stcyhood, I do not understand the "not colored" trick, but the easiest way to export in greys is to set the COLOUR INTENSITY property of the camera layer to 0.
michiel, 5 years ago
I know, I don't understand the color thing either, michiel, so thanks for the tip. I have Vegas 17 but would have to upgrade to get the 4k I think? Thank you vincent for your good wishes. I am going to give it my all and see if I have what it takes.
stcyhood, 5 years ago