NextPreviousHomeTiara headbands for princesses 3d model x

Jesus | 5 years ago | 8 comments | 910 views

I am doing a project and I need a tiara headbands for princesses 3d model x If anyone has it can give it to me or
If you can help me where to find it. I thank you in advance for your help.

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I have this one, if you like it i can send it to you (i have an adress : esqu....@hotm.., i don't know if it is your)

vincent, 5 years ago

Or make it yourself with sketchlayer circle and set writer property to open it.

Then attach a ornament font like in the link use it as gold background and then as layer for a styles and find a style as floating hexagons to use as diamonts.

Just play with the options and settings.

Have fun and good luck,

komies, 5 years ago

Alex is right, sketch with attached text is a great idea!

vincent, 5 years ago

Thanks Vincent, my email is correct: esquivelma .... @ You already sent me a traditional format and charro hat once, now if you can send me the tiara, I thank you in advance.

Jesus, 5 years ago

Thanks komies, it is a very good idea that you give me, I will try to do one thing or the other as I see my project. Thank you in advance for your kind help.

Jesus, 5 years ago

Jesus, i sent you an email with model & sketch exemple.

vincent, 5 years ago

Thanks vincent, the two file formats are very beautiful, and suitable for my project. I thank you for your help, God always enlighten you.

Jesus, 5 years ago

I'm happy if they can help you for your projects

vincent, 5 years ago

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