stcyhood | 5 years ago | 17 comments | 2 likes | 953 views
Franco Aversa and Dani like this!
I am trying to find or recreate one of my favorite effects from several years ago in BT. I just got a new computer and trying to re-learn a lot of stuff I've forgotten and/or lost. It's been a long time ago when I did this video for someone (around 2008 I think?) but I still have the wmv file so took a screenshot of it (it has an audio layer so I can't upload it). Anyway, I am hoping someone can help me find the show/file or tell me how to recreate it (I have been trying to recreate it and getting frustrated after 4-5 days of messing with all the buttons, ...I'm not super smart when it comes to details, lol). The show was just a stream of clouds on the bottom half of the screen (pretty fast on the animation) and then I would just add a picture layer to it zooming along with the clouds toward you. It looked so simple that I thought I could just create it myself but I am having the hardest time figuring it out. Can someone help me on this? Thanks in advance for any help.
This show was posted by Vincent,
If you ask him nicely he will probably still have it.
komies, 5 years ago
Yes! That is the one I'm referring to. How can I get this? I can pay you for the show if that is necessary or maybe you can help me with how to create it? I love this effect/show so much.
stcyhood, 5 years ago
No! no! i don't want to make money with it, i can send you the show (BT) by email.
vincent, 5 years ago
Thank you Vincent! I got it and downloaded it and it is perfect! So much appreciated!!!
stcyhood, 5 years ago
Vincent, Could you send it to me too?
snafu, 5 years ago
@vincent : Moi aussi j'aimerai bien l'avoir (si ce n'est pas trop demandé !!)
maggico, 5 years ago
Vincent it stays a nice show.
Filip, 5 years ago
Hi Vincent, please could you send me your clouds template? Thanks.
Alderny, 4 years ago