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Babe34 | 5 years ago | 15 comments | 16 likes | 1.6K views

persiana, vincent, Dani and 13 others like this!

I have built a postcard support very simple. It is completely realize with Blufftitler. Let me know what you think about it…

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Nice construction ! thank you.

vincent, 5 years ago

Very good, thnx for sharing!

Filip, 5 years ago

Joli présentoir Babe34, Merci pour le partage.

Alex-Raymond T., 5 years ago

Very well done!
Thank you for sharing.

Ulli, 5 years ago

very nice, thanks!

Franco Aversa, 5 years ago

Clever way to construct a postcard support! Thank you!

michiel, 5 years ago

Great, thank you very much!

SMSgtRod, 5 years ago

Nice.Thank you for sharing

chaver, 5 years ago

Very cool, thank you :)

LostBoyz, 5 years ago

Bravo ! Et merci pour le partage

maggico, 5 years ago

Merci pour ce support ,il sera d'une grande utilité

PAT67, 5 years ago

Good job dear friend...keep up the great work...Thank you..

Dani, 5 years ago

It was my first attempt to create something with Blufftitler. I learnt a lot from the members of this Community. Thank you all for your supports and comments.
When I update this article some comments has been lost: "Sorry".
In one of this comments, Komies suggested to apply a reflectionmap silver effect or a cubemap silver effect to have a shiny support and to set specularity to 0.9 (Thank you komies).
Maggico, Alex-Raymond T. Pat67: Merci pour vos commentaires et encouragements. Si les conteneurs et keyframes n'ont plus de secret, c'est beaucoup grâce à vous.
Babe 34

Babe34, 5 years ago

Hola Babe34, es un gran trabajo el que has realizado, pero creo que deberías centrar las fotos en el armazón, para que ninguna barra entre por la foto. También tienes un soporte de arriba fuera de su sitio, el cual esta moviéndose solo por arriba.
Solo intento ayudarte.

persiana, 5 years ago

Bonjour Persiana
Désolée de répondre un peu en retard. Merci pour votre commentaire. Toutes les remarques permettant d'améliorer ce show sont bienvenues.

Babe 34

Babe34, 5 years ago

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