persiana | 5 years ago | 5 comments | 938 views
Hola, Tengo un contenedor con una imagen de trazada por cada lado y con cubos flotantes, al agregar un borde, lo hace sin reflejar los cortes de los cubos flotantes.
¿Hay alguna manera de conseguir el borde solo en los cantos de los cubos.?
Interesting idea, thank you!
In the current version this does not work because the FLOATING CUBES style does not have matching INSIDE and OUTLINE styles.
What you could try is cloning the layer, changing the texture, setting the 2nd slider of the PIXEL SIZE prop to a slightly bigger value and the 3rd slider of the TEXT SIZE prop to a slightly smaller value.
In this screenshot this is applied to a text layer. The technique is the same because the text, EPS and traced picture layers are technically the same thing.
michiel, 5 years ago
Me parece interesante esa idea, pero creo que no me explique bien, y la pantalla que mandé tampoco lo dejaba claro. Así que mando otra captura.
persiana, 5 years ago
Here's the same technique applied to a traced picture layer.
As you can see, all cubes have a silver border. Is this what you want?
michiel, 5 years ago