Kauzito | 5 years ago | 3 comments | 929 views
How can I attach a container to a Sketch layer? Thank you in advance.
If you SELECT a sketch layer in the show AND THEN ADD a container layer program will ask you if you want to attach it to sketch, but if sketch and container already exist in show, it seems an option is missing to attach container to sketch retrospectively, so the only possibility i found is to edit inside .BT file (with some risks and need some knowledge of the BT file structure ).
vincent, 5 years ago
Vincent is right.
We'll add the possibility to attach an existing container layer to an existing sketch layer in the next version. Thank you for your request!
michiel, 5 years ago
Thank you Vincent and Michiel.
I love Outerspace because response is always instant.
Kauzito, 5 years ago