NextPreviousHomeExtreme wide screen format

JobewanKenobi | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 1.1K views

I am trying to make an animation for an extreme wide screen format. Display is actually 4320x180 but for BluffTitler I am making it in 1440x60. I have imported in a 3d object. On POSITION... slider on top(side to side) stretches out the model on the sides but returns it to normal in the middle. Am I doing something wrong?

You will have to scroll WAY out on youtube to see the entire video. (This is going on a basketball scores table led display.)

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Using a smaller field of view will solve the problem:
-select the camera layer
-select the FIELD OF VIEW property
-move the 1st slider to the left until it looks ok

You will have to move the camera in order to keep everything in view.

The issue is related to this:

michiel, 6 years ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH.... I also had to make sure it was set to Parallel Projection as well. We make video scoreboards for high school and universities... and are starting to get into very wide screens... and there is not a lot of video content for extreme wide displays.. Which is why BluffTitler is excellent for this scenario.

JobewanKenobi, 6 years ago

PARALLEL PROJECTION (1st dropdown below the textbox of the camera layer) removes the perspective effect completely. When selecting this style, the FIELD OF VIEW property is replaced by the SCALE property.

If possible I would be very interested to see how your extreme wide screen presentations look like. Please consider posting them in this community. Thanks!

michiel, 6 years ago

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