PAT67 | 6 years ago | 9 comments | 1.7K views
Dans mon répertoire Média Effects V11 le visuel de l'effect ne s'affiche plus.
Y a t il une solution ?
The effects in the V11 folder are used when you play an old show created in BluffTitler version 11 or older.
For new shows, or when editing an old show, always use effects outside the V11 folder. For this reason this folder is rarely being watched and thumbnails are not necessary.
michiel, 6 years ago
Hi Pat76,
I'm slowly creating the thumbnails
as soon as I have finished, I share them with everyone,
But I wrote some things in Italian, even if you understand
from the image.
if in the meantime you want to download these that I have already done, just extract the zip file inside the V11 folder.
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
si vous voulez m'aider ou si vous voulez créer d'autres "aperçus" pour vous, vous pouvez simplement créer des images png avec une résolution de 128x72. Je les ai créées directement à partir de BluffTitler en définissant cette résolution et en exportant une image.
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
Je vais essayer , envoyez moi une adresse mail ,je suis par sur facebook
PAT67, 6 years ago
No parla Italiano, but I'll greatly appreciate the thumbnails for the V11 effects. Many thanks for your support.
Eddy, 6 years ago
thanks Eddy, they are only a few, as soon as I have completed them I will share them in the community
Franco Aversa, 6 years ago
The best help is aid that helps you do without help
La meilleure aide c'est l'aide qui sert à se passer d'aide
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