napoleon | 6 years ago | 8 comments | 1.1K views

Please I have issues importing rounded png object from photoshop into bluffTitler. When importing either as eps layer or traced picture layer, the imported object seems to loose the smooth roundness. Please what can I do?
Secondly, how does the pivot points work?
Thanks a billion.

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Welcome Napoleon,

1. Use a higher resolution 2000+ png with transparancy
2. Set under Setting to a High or Super High Quality
If this makes it better then set to normal and only change back before Export.
3. Give it a Silver frame Border and play with colour and FX Lighting.

The pivot point is the centre where the object rotates, if you want the axis off centre then use it and you can make it Visible with F2.

Good luck and have fun

komies, 6 years ago

Maybe you are looking for the picture layer:

michiel, 6 years ago

many thanks komies for your response to my last question. it worked for me

Please i have another challenge...moving an object from one point to another doesn't seem to maintain perspectives...any remedy?

napoleon, 6 years ago

When you set the FIELD OF VIEW property of the camera layer to a lower value, the perspective effect is reduced. Maybe this helps.

michiel, 6 years ago

Many thanks Michiel, I will try it out.
Again, any idea of what software and format for creating models for BluffTitler?

napoleon, 6 years ago

napoleon, I think this answers your question:

michiel, 6 years ago

Great! Many thanks Michiel. It worked perfectly for me.
Any idea of what software and format for creating models for BluffTitler?

napoleon, 6 years ago

This articles discusses creating models for BluffTitler:

michiel, 6 years ago

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