kugo | 6 years ago | 4 comments | 1.1K views
Is it possible so that image files in a particular folder can be used randomly to texture the face of a predefined 3d object? I would like a different image to be displayed each time the show file is loaded and played?
For example, bingo ball, slot machine reel combination variations, a playing cards or name of drawing, etc so the real time animation has a unique outcome each time without any need to change anything each time it runs.
A low tech solution would be to create multiple versions of the show with different textures and play them in a loop with the /O=R option:
michiel, 6 years ago
I'm not a coder, but I guess will be looking for one.
So this is where I say........
Maybe this can be a possible implementation in the future?
Where a random image would be used from inside the chosen folder.
It could be useful for many things. Drawings, raffles, winning selections, simple game, fortune cookies, races, quote of the day, random scriptures etc. anything that requires a random outcome each time the same show is played.
Additionally, random attributes such as; color, size, rotation, etc would also open the door for even more possibilities.
i.e randomly offset the image off a roulette wheel and the ball land in the same spot every time, but the image is offset to a different value each time the show opens so the outcome is unique each time.
kugo, 6 years ago
I think the door to these possibilities is not adding cryptic codes to the app, but script generated show files.
The chart tool is a good example. The show is generated by an online script (PHP).
Yes you need a coder for this, but this method has no limitations. All the things you mention (random image, colour, size, rotation) are already possible with the current version.
The chart tool can be found here:
michiel, 6 years ago