NextPreviousHomeHelp with reflexion on second pictures

NYA-Mike | 15 years ago | 2 comments | 1 like | 3.3K views

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Just bought Blufftitler and ive been playing around with it (great stuf btw) but i got into a litle problem with pictures reflexion.

Am trying to make a whole site rotating down with some pictures "flying out" of it". I have the reflexions efect on all of them but it turns the smal pics a litle less visible and with no reflexion at all.

My english does not let me explain it very well so i made a small example of Blufs site so u guys can see what i am tryng to say.

What am i doing wrong? How can i make the small pics visible and with reflexion while they fly out from the site?


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It looks like the small pics are behind the big transparent picture.

You can either move the small pictures in front of the big picture (preferable) or cheat by setting the big picture to 3D IN BACKGROUND (with the 2nd dropdown below the textbox)

Rotating the camera instead of the picture will make it easier to position the picture layers.

Have you already played around with the multitexture\ColourMap_Cubemap.fx and multiTexture\ColourMap_Reflection.fx effects?

Those effects have a FX LIGHTING FACTOR property that allows you to finetune the reflection effect. Using those effects you can combine the INSIDE effect with the OUTLINE ROUND BORDER effect (3th dropdown below textbox), instead of setting the border to ROUND BEVEL.

For the groovesun picture I would use the NotLightened_Additive.fx effect.

Great composition effect. I would love to see the final version. Success!

michiel, 15 years ago

Well, thank you for the fast and very complete reply.

Before i posted my question here i had already try the bring front/send back and no sucess.

After read your reply i moved the big pic to 3D in Background but it turned a litle blury (less contrast). It all worked out when i made all the small pics 3d IN FOREGROUND. It was exacly what i was looking for.

Then i tryed the ColourMap_Reflection.fx and i think i have a lot play with the rest of the afternoon :)

This will be part of a promo video am making and i will be pleased to post here the link once its done.

Again, tks a lot for beeing so sharp with your "costumers". Cheers.

NYA-Mike, 15 years ago

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