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Jesaya | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 923 views

Hi, I have tried to trace bitmap using Bixangelo, but no success.
I used CorelDraw to draw some text, exported it to BMP, TIFF, PNG and tried to open it using "Trace Bitmap..." menu.
(I also tried all -well, almost all, combinations of settings; like greyscale, rgb, cmyk, B/W)

All i get is the rectangle boundary of the image.

Did I miss something here ?
Is there some settings that I must specifically set ?

Could anybody point out what software should I use to create the bitmap ?

Thank You

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It is in the userguide: How to create a sketch

A PNG with transparant background:
Best results are achieved when using a logo on a transparent background, saved as a PNG file with a resolution of about 2000 pixels without small details at the edges. For logos without round edges the resolution can be smaller.


A bitmap with white background and black shape.

komies, 6 years ago

install Potrace in Bixelangelo.

Franco Aversa, 6 years ago

Thank you,
my bad, forget to try the size.

I saved the bitmap with 2000px and it worked.

cheers. :-D

Jesaya, 6 years ago

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