Per | 15 years ago | 3 comments | 2.9K views
Hm, is this a bug - I thought it worked differently before:
If I go to "Change font" (F6)
I see the characters of the font, and the font name is in the upper right corner (usually "Arial Black")
If I then click anywhere in the dialog, all the letters of the font disappear and are replaced with a question mark.
Say I click just above the "Ok" button - not on the button, just over it, all the characters change.
If i go up to "Font Family" and chose a new font, all the question marks are then rendered in the new font - but it doesn't display the actual characters in the font??
I just noticed, if I load the show "startup\" this behavior DOES NOT happen. All the letters just display.
But if I then select File/New Show - and F6 then it happens.
Per, 15 years ago
This has to do with the unicode character set. More info about unicode can be found on this page:
michiel, 15 years ago
Hm.. but I don't remember changing it to unicode. Odd.
But that did fix it yes :)
Per, 15 years ago