Per | 15 years ago | 6 comments | 2.9K views
Do I remember correctly, I thought you added a way to do quick columns in text by making a way to add tabulation (pressing tab)?
Didn't this happen or was i dreaming?
I suddenly realize you apparently can't make fonts bold, underlined of strike through either - so i suppose i must have been dreaming :(
Per, 15 years ago
Tabs are supported in the LEFT composition style (1st dropdown below the textbox)
michiel, 15 years ago
Right thanks.
Is there a way to display fonts with strike through?
Per, 15 years ago
Btw, perhaps it might be a good idea to enter the 'tab' information on the page which describes text layers :)
Per, 15 years ago
So, here about 2 years later I still think the documentation should be written in the documentation. (Plus 'tab' should work even if you don't have any letters in front of it)
Per, 13 years ago