NextPreviousHomeneed d3dx9_34.dll yet I have directx 12 WIn 10 1803

ozstar | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 1.4K views


I have Bluff 10.2 but need this dll file.

dxdiag says I have directx 12 in Win 10m1803 x 64

How can I get the dll file please?


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BT 10.2 ? it's a very old version, you have Windows10 so why don't you update with BT 14 ?

vincent, 6 years ago

Hi Ozstar,

DXDiag only shows you the feature level of the latest DirectX currently installed. Nothing to worry about as earlier directx9 runtimes sit happily side by side, and are used by the system.

The operating system does not always load everything you need (rather like the same for codecs for video etc) My solution to this was to go to the link and download the directx runtime libraries. That should solve the problem for you too. Remember to reboot after install. Click on link below....

Hope this helps :-)

Pixelpanther, 6 years ago

Both Vincent and Pixelpanther are right:

michiel, 6 years ago

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