erikger | 6 years ago | 1 comment | 893 views
could it might be possible to include the two online tools in an update into blufftitler?
i am not always able to be online and if i could use the tool inside of blufftitler it would be great.
Blufftitler tends to keep there interface neat and tiddy, so I doubt it.
But you can make it from scratch with a add picture layer.
Select circle and solid and use the morphing stage property to set the angle.
You can animate the morphing stage between 2 keys from 0 to the % number.
But easier would be to have shows make with a different number of slices with the online tool so you can edit them later.
morphing stage 0.5 is 50%
morphing stage 0.25 is 25%
morphing stage 0.12 is 12 %
And use rotation property 1st slider to move the piece in the circle.
It is more work but when your are in a pinch then you got this working for you.
komies, 6 years ago