Jesus | 6 years ago | 3 comments | 1.2K views

I have an old project that I did with blufftitler version 10, when I open a message because the effect is missing: GradientWipe_colourMap_CartoonMap.FX
Well now it is cfx if it is modified which is the correct effect and which effect is similar to the effect of before?

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I did a search on this effect, but failed to find it. It must have been created by a 3rd party.

I advise you to try the Filters\GradientWipe effect.

michiel, 6 years ago

Michiel, the effect is taken from a project of the legendary "Roquenublo".
I already provided GradienWipe.cfx and it did not work with the change I want to make, the photo become a silhouette, or vice versa. Thank you.

Jesus, 6 years ago

The GradientWipe effect expects an alpha map in the 3rd texture slot.

Maybe Roquenublo's effect required this to be in the 1st or 2nd slot.

To learn how the GradientWipe effect works, play around with this demo show from the installer:

michiel, 6 years ago

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